Health Benefits of Asafoetida

Asafoetida is an important ingredient used in many Indian recipes. Asafoetida is not only used for adding a special flavour to food but also as a home remedy for many disorders. Read on to know more about the healing properties and the health benefits of asafoetida.
A common culinary herb, asafoetida is used for flavouring spicy curries, sauces, chutneys, pickles and stir-fries. Referred to as "Hing" in India, this herb is used while cooking lentils or "dals" and a wide variety of spicy dishes. In addition to lending flavour to food there are numerous health benefits of this herb. The purpose of this article is to highlight some of the health benefits of asafoetida.Asafoetida is the dried latex (gum oleoresin) which is extracted from the living underground rhizome or tap root of several species of a perennial herb, Ferula. There are basically two varieties of asafoetida - Hing Kabuli Sufaid which is the water soluble variety and Hing Lal which is soluble oil.
Normally, pure asafoetida is not preferred because of its strong flavour. Hence, it is combined with starch and gum and sold as compounded asafoetida. It is sold in the form of brick, piece, tablet or free flowing powder.
Asafoetida Health Benefits
Following are the specific health benefits of using Asafoetida or Hing:
Indigestion - Asafoetida is an ancient home remedy for indigestion. To aid digestion it can be consumed on an everyday basis by adding in curries and food. It has excellent anti-inflammatory properties and is an anti-oxidant agent. For quick relief from gas, pain and for digestion you must dissolve few small pieces of asafoetida in half a cup of water and drink it.
Flatulence - If taken orally with buttermilk it can provide quick relief from flatulence. 
Menstrual Problem and Dysmenorrhoea - Asafoetida is considered to be helpful for women with menstrual issues like menstrual cramps, irregular periods, and pain. It is also useful in the treatment of Dysmenorrhoea.
Cough and Cold - Asafoetida is one of the oldest remedies which have been used in India for treating respiratory tract infections and cough. It is very useful to relieve chest congestion and release of the phlegm. Its powder can be mixed with honey and ginger to get relief from cough.
Sexually Transmitted Diseases - A research study done in Egypt has indicated that anti-parasitic properties of asafoetida are useful in treating a number of genital infections and sexually transmitted diseases.
Other Uses of Asafoetida
In addition to medicinal properties this herb is a popular cooking ingredient in most Indian households. It is used while preparing pickles and is an important ingredient of the famous Worcestershire sauce. Asafoetida essential oil is used in aromatherapy also. Due to its pungent odour it is used as an ingredient in a number of insect and mosquito repellants.
Precautions to be Taken While Using Asafoetida
Asafoetida can at times cause nausea and vomiting in some people because of its strong flavour. Excessive intake of this herb can give rise to throat irritation, swollen lips, diarrhoea and burping. People suffering from gastrointestinal infection must not consume this herb since it can worsen their condition by irritating the digestive tract.
Although beneficial to lactating mothers and women after delivery, because of its abortifascient properties this herb can in certain rare cases induce miscarriage in pregnant women.
Although this medicinal plant has been used since centuries in cooking because it adds a special flavour to the vegetable meals, modern day research has highlighted a whole lot of  Asafoetida health benefits and its medicinal uses. Hence, today Asafoetida is considered as a very important herb and is popularly used in most Indian kitchens.
Asafoetida (Hing) Benefits
Asafoetida or Hing, though characterized by an unpleasant odor, has numerous health benefits. For instance, it is a particularly valuable home remedy for relieving flatulence and stomach problems.
The herb is also used in certain foods as a spice to enhance flavor. In addition, it holds importance in Jainism and Vaishnavism because Asafoetida adds a smooth flavor to vegetarian dishes that are prepared without using onion and garlic.
It tends to lose its pungent odor when lightly fried in hot oil. Asafoetida (Hing) is native to Persia and India. It is the dried latex exuded from the living rootstock of this plant. This culinary spice belongs to the Apiaceae (Umbelliferae) family.
Scientific Name: Ferula assafoetidaCommon Names: Asafetida, Devil's Dung, Food of the Gods, Stinking Gum, Giant Fennel, Yang, Kama-i-anguza, Hingu, Heeng
Native Region
The herb originated in eastern Iran and western Afghanistan. It is chiefly cultivated in Afghanistan, Iran, and high-altitude areas of India and Pakistan. It is available in powder and tincture form or as lumps of wax-like texture.
Healing Properties
Asafoetida or Hing is known to possess anti flatulent, antiepileptic, antimicrobial, anti inflammatory, antispasmodic, anthelminthic, laxative, nervine stimulant and expectorant properties. It is also known to ease anxiety due to its sedative qualities.
It works as a local stimulant of mucous membranes, particularly in the alimentary tract; hence, asafoetida benefits in the natural treatment of colic. Besides, its anticoagulant quality helps lower blood pressure.
Asafoetida works as an antidote for opium to counteract the effect of the drug. Apart from this, it is considered favorable in getting rid of women's health issues like leucorrhoea, painful and excessive menstruation, etc. This culinary herb helps fight candida infection, too.
The antimicrobial benefits of asafoetida (Hing) help in dealing with respiratory problems such as chronic bronchitis, asthma, swine flu and whooping cough.
In addition, coumarins and sulfur compounds present in this herb aid in blood thinning and prevent blood clotting.
Certain scientific studies have shown that the healing properties of this spice tend to protect against high triglycerides and cholesterol caused by high fat consumption. However, it is better to avoid intake of asafoetida when taking blood pressure control medications.The herb constitutes active compounds such as gum, resin, volatile oil and ash. It is enriched with carbohydrates, protein, fiber and minerals like calcium, iron, phosphorus, etc. Asafoetida (Hing) is dirty yellow in color and has a bitter taste.
Uses of Asafoetida or Hing
• Taking a mixture of a quarter teaspoon of dry ginger powder, a pinch of asafoetida and black salt in a cup of warm water helps reduce flatulence.
• Having a pinch of asafoetida mixed in a cup of buttermilk serves as a great natural home remedy for bloating and gas problems. If you do not have buttermilk, simply use lukewarm water.
• Prepare a powder of a mixture consisting of one tablespoon each of dried ginger, long pepper, curry leaves, Bishop's weed (ajwain), black pepper and cumin. Fry this mixture in a teaspoon of sesame oil along with one teaspoon of asafoetida. Finally, add some rock salt in it. Take one teaspoon of this natural medicine (mixed with clarified butter) along with steamed rice to cure indigestion.
• Dissolve a piece of asafoetida in a cup of water. Soak the solution in a cloth and use as a fomentation on stomach to soothe stomach ache caused by indigestion.
• Smelling asafoetida gum is highly beneficial in dealing with Hysteria.
• Take one teaspoon each of asafoetida, dried ginger, camphor and two teaspoons of tailed pepper (cubeb). Add some milk in it, enough to form a paste. Apply this therapeutic paste on your forehead to heal tension and migraine headaches.
• Fry about 6 centigrams of asafoetida in clarified butter, mix a teaspoon of fresh latex of banyan tree and some honey in it. Taking this home medicine daily before sunrise is believed to cure issues like premature ejaculation and spermatorrhoea. Benefits of asdafoetida (Hing) also include improved libido and female sterility.
• Consuming two teaspoons of bitter gourd juice mixed with a quarter teaspoon of asafoetida powder is useful in controlling Diabetes.
• Add a quarter teaspoon of asafoetida and half a teaspoon each of onion juice and betel leaf juice in two teaspoons of honey. Take this asafoetida home remedy three times in a day to deal with symptoms of asthma and other respiratory disorders.
• Mix half a teaspoon of asafoetida powder in two teaspoons of lime juice. Heat the solution slightly. Finally, dip a cotton ball in this solution and place it on your aching tooth to relieve toothache.
• Applying this herb directly on skin serves as one of the easiest possible asafoetida home remedies for corns and calluses.
• Hing or Asafoetida benefits in reducing Dysmenorrhoea or painful menstruation. For this, you need to consume a cup of buttermilk mixed with a pinch of asafoetida, half a teaspoon of fenugreek powder and little salt.
Apart from these medicinal uses, asafetida is used in pickles to aid in digestion. The entire plant can also be used as a vegetable. Moreover, it is a crucial ingredient in Worcestershire sauce.
Besides, asafoetida essential oil is useful beneficial in aromatherapy. Having a teaspoon of this herb mixed with butter is believed to enhance a singer's voice.
Due to its disagreeable odor, asafoetida is also used in certain products that are used to repel insects, mosquitoes, etc.
Asafoetida can cause nausea and vomiting in some individuals. In addition, excessive intake of this herb can give rise to throat irritation, burping, swollen lips, stomach gas and diarrhea.It may also have adverse effects on individuals suffering from some central nervous system condition. In addition, asafoetida can irritate the digestive tract when taken during gastrointestinal infection.
Besides, it can prove harmful to infants because it may cause blood disorders. Asafoetida is also believed to induce miscarriage due to its abortifascient qualities. Nevertheless, it is believed that Hing or Asafoetida benefits women during the post-delivery phase.



Spice up the usual egg salad with the addition of avocado. Avocado makes a delicious and nutritious addition to egg salad and thanks to its naturally creamy texture, you can enjoy egg salad without the adding mayo! 
Creamy Avocado Egg Salad (Healthy, Low-carb, Keto)

If you haven’t tried avocado egg salad then it’s time you enjoy egg salad in a whole new way. A simple nutrition rich ingredient such as avocado with the addition of lemon, salt, pepper and your favorite herbs works wonders and adds much-needed flavor and zest to the typical egg salad. Play around with the herbs and use parsley, dill or chives or use my personal favorite, cilantro, and enjoy a wholesome flavor-packed dish.
It’s packed full of fiber thanks to the avocado and is great if you are on a low-carb, paleo or keto diet or if you simply want a healthy salad. Because avocado is naturally creamy in texture, you won’t need as much mayo to make it creamy. A few tablespoons of Greek yogurt or sour-cream go a long way in making this salad creamy! 

Creamy Avocado Egg Salad

 Prep Time 10 minutes
 Cook Time 10 minutes
 Total Time 20 minutes
 Servings 2
 Author Layla


  • 1 medium avocado pitted and peeled
  • 3 hard-boiled eggs peeled and chopped
  • 2 tablespoons Greek yogurt sour-cream or light mayonnaise will also work
  • 1 teaspoon fresh lemon or lime juice
  • 1 tablespoon minced cilantro parsley, dill or chives will also work
  • Salt and fresh pepper to taste


  1. In Medium bowl, Add avocados and mash with a spoon until chunky. Add the remaining ingredients and mix with a spoon until creamy.
  2. Serve on whole-grain toast or enjoy with toasted pita chips.
Creamy Avocado Egg Salad (Healthy, Low-carb, Keto)

Credit to : @gimmedelicious

21-Minute HIIT Cardio Workout for Weight Loss

How much cardio to lose weight
Cardio exercise is a type of physical activity that causes a sustained increase in your heart rate and breathing and consequently, an elevation in the circulation of blood and oxygen throughout the body and the working muscles. 
The longer you can sustain this activity, the more conditioned your heart and body get. 
It also uses a lot of energy in the form of calories.
This could be done in any form of activities, including biking, jogging, walking, swimming, dancing, and calisthenics exercises.
By getting your heart rate up by doing the activity, you are training your cardiorespiratory system.
Doing cardio regularly has been shown to have many health benefits, both physically and mentally (1).
It can also help you lose weight by burning extra calories.
And it's quite effective.
The researchers at Duke University Medical researchers report cardio exercise burns 67% more calories than resistance training (2). 
To lose weight, you need to burn more calories than you consume, and adding cardio to your workouts helps you with the calorie deficit you need in weight loss. 

How much cardio should you do? 

Dr. Michael Roizen, MD, recommended doing 30 minutes of daily walking or minimum of 60 minutes a week of cardiovascular or sweating activity—ideally in three 20-minute sessions (3). 
And to be considered a sweating activity, you need to raise your heart rate up to 80% of your maximum heart rate (calculate yours by 220 - your age) for an extended period of time. 

Cardio workouts for weight loss

All types of cardio workouts are good for weight loss, but cardio intervals or HIIT (high-intensity interval training) have been found to be the most effective in weight loss than steady-state cardio (4).
With cardio intervals, your working muscles' need for oxygen exceeds the available supply, and you can only perform it in short bursts. 
The best example is sprints. 
The energy needed for this type of activity is produced by burning carbohydrates and increases your resting metabolism and burns more calories in less time. 
With a higher resting metabolic rate, you extend your calorie burn for hours after your workout. You'll also burn more calories throughout the day even at rest.
This 21-minute cardio workout is based on HIIT. And it's all about burning calories, revving up your metabolism and helping you to lose weight the efficient way. 
We recommend that you do this routine 2 days a week in addition to your resistance training.
Studies have shown that when cardio exercise is combined with resistance training, it can help you lose more weight and fat and help preserve muscle mass, which is essential for keeping the weight off in the long run (567, 8, 9).
If you're not currently following any resistance training program, grab of our exercise posters here! Each comes with a full 4-week workout plan, plus exercise logs and a workout calendar.

15 Minute Abs Workout

Résultat de recherche d'images pour "ABs Women"

These moves, designed by Ashley Ntansah, personal-training manager at Club H Fitness in New York City, target your entire abdominal wall, especially the transverse abdominis—the midsection muscle that pulls in your belly like a corset. And this sexy abs workout does more than just firm your core: You'll feel it (and see results!) in your shoulders, legs, and glutes as well.
Complete these moves in order, resting for 30 seconds between exercises. Repeat the circuit so you do two sets of each move. Do the workout two or three times a week, on nonconsecutive days, and you won't need your Spanx this season.

1. Plank With Glute Squeeze

Best Workout for Abs: Plank with Glute Squeeze
Get on the floor, prop yourself up on your forearms, and flex your toes. Your body should form a straight line. Contract your abs and glutes—tightly. Hold this for 15 seconds, then rest by lowering your knees to the ground for five seconds. That's one rep. Do 10. 

2. Oblique V-up 

Best Workout for Abs: Oblique V-Up

Lie on your left side, legs angled 30 degrees from your hips. Rest your left arm on the floor and put your right hand behind your head (a). Lift your straight legs off the floor, bringing your torso toward your legs (b). Slowly return to start. That's one rep. Do 15 to 25 reps on each side.

3. Rotating Superwoman

Best Workout for Abs: Rotating Superwoman

Lying on your back, arms extended overhead and legs straight, tighten your core and raise your shoulders and legs about six inches off the ground (a). Hold for 15 seconds. Then roll onto your belly, keeping your arms and legs off the ground, as if you're flying (b). Hold for 15 seconds, then roll back. That's one rep. Repeat five or six times. 

4. Rock 'n' Raise

Best Workout for Abs: Rock and Raise
Lie on your back with your arms at your sides, knees pointed outward, and soles of your feet touching (a). Staying in this pose, slowly raise your legs until your toes are pointed toward the ceiling and your hips are slightly off the floor (b). Slowly return to start. That's one rep. Do 15 to 25. 
